Anything for Him: Dominated (#1) Read online

Page 6

  Danny stared up at Meghan. His thoughts were in total disarray and he knew he needed to think but he was completely at a loss at her courage, at her willingness to die for him.

  The ropes came undone and Danny staggered to his feet. The blood returned to his limbs in a painful rush and he found himself unable to walk unaided. He had to lean on Meghan’s slight form and they made it into the second part of the cellar just as Gerry tired of trying to kill from the staircase and rushed into the main room.

  Meghan slammed the thick wooden door shut, bullets chunked into it and she automatically ducked.

  “How many bullets does that bastard have?” Danny asked.

  “I don’t know. He shot my mother.” Tears swelled up in her eyes and she leaned her head against his chest, relishing the feel of his solidity and warmth. “He said she wasn’t my mom.”

  “I heard him.”

  Things were starting to make sense to Danny but he could tell they had yet to click in Meghan’s head. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close as more bullets tore into the door.

  Meghan stared at the shelves. The dusty bottles of wine sat in their dusty rows, cradled securely in their little nooks and the floor radiated a chill below her feet. She could not believe Gloria was dead; she did not want to imagine that she was. Her mother had never been especially warm or even kind but she had still been her mother. Or had she been?

  The sound of a second set of footsteps put an end to her thoughts. “Dammit Gerry, what the fuck is going on here?” The words were muffled but they could hear them thanks to the holes in the door.

  “Your wife was going to tell the cops what we were doing if we didn’t give her a bigger chunk of the payoff,” Gerry replied. “I don’t know about you but I am not willing to share.”

  “I guess that doesn’t fucking matter much now, does it? She’s dead! Where the hell is Sullivan?”

  “Hiding out in there with your beloved daughter.”

  The sarcasm in Gerry’s voice made Meghan flinch. Danny shook his head at her and pulled her toward the small room where her grandmother had stored the food she canned. “Windows,” he said, pointing to a dirty pane that was barely visible on the far wall.

  Meghan followed him into the chamber and fear rapidly set in. She felt like a child again, one who had been locked into a small space and left behind. Her heartbeat accelerated and her breath grew quicker. Danny noted her distress and wondered at the cause but his highest priority was getting her out of there and to safety. The fact that she had had to come to his rescue was not lost on him and once more he was astounded by her obvious love for him. And he was grateful for it as well.

  The door shuddered open and the two men came in. Gerry headed right; Tom came at them from the left. They rushed through the room, past the jars filled with the cloudy liquid that surrounded apricots, grape jam, pickled watermelon rinds and spiced pears. Tom spotted them heading for the windows and he rushed Danny.

  Danny had already turned around. It took him only a second to size up the situation. Tom was unarmed, Gerry still held the gun but the angle he held it at told a story Gerry was unaware of. He was letting it dangle limply and Danny knew he had used all of his bullets. He might use the gun as a bluff but it would be a useless one.

  Tom was a scant few inches from Meghan and Danny reacted. He clasped his hands together, pivoting on the balls of his feet in order to use his entire upper body strength to hit the other man. When his hands met Tom’s solar plexus a satisfying whoosh of air ensued and Tom bent double, his face red and his mouth open in a gape of pain and fear.

  Gerry raised the gun and Meghan grabbed a jar of pickles from a shelf. Her arm flexed and the jar sailed across the room. It turned end over end and then it hit Gerry with a solid and far from hollow boom in the area right above the spot where his eyebrows met. His eyes rolled upwards and a look of almost comical surprise crossed his face before he crumpled to the ground.

  Danny, his hands up in preparation for another shot at Tom saw Gerry go down. He heard the crash of the jar as it hit the hard floor. The vinegary reek of the pickles filled the room and Meghan sneezed before slumping to the floor, the long delayed reaction to the whole surreal situation finally settling in. Tremors wracked her body and tears flew down her ashen cheeks. Danny punched Tom again, savagely, knocking him to the ground where he curled up in a fetal position.

  Meghan fought his hands when he tried to comfort her but he persisted, wrapping around her and stroking her hair.

  “It’s okay,” he murmured, “we are getting out of here and you never have to come back ever again. These people are not your family, I am. We can start all over.”

  “She was never my family,” Tom wheezed and Danny saw the baleful look in the older man’s eyes. “That damn brother of mine got some whore pregnant and if he had lived she,” he nodded at Meghan,” would never have even been thought about. Someone would have paid her mother off and she would have fucking vanished and the inheritance would never have gone to her. But he died and my mother turned him into a fucking saint. We had no choice but to take that little bastard in and raise her, if we didn’t she would have cut me off totally.”

  It all clicked together. Meghan remembered her grandmother’s stories of her uncle, the way she would hold her on her lap and tell her of the man who had been so wonderful. She thought of Danny saying he had met her uncle and that he had been a decent guy.

  Sirens wailed from the distance and running feet hit the stairs. Gregory appeared in the doorway, still wearing the dark clothes he had worn when he had helped his father and Gerry kidnap Danny.

  “The cops!” Gregory yelled before his brain had time to process the entire scene. “Dad? What is going on here?”

  The steel cuff on Meghan’s wrist felt as heavy as her heart but she knew, without a doubt, that it was time to pick a side. “You are all going to jail.”

  Gregory stared at her and then his face crumpled. Never, in his entire privileged life, had he ever been beaten at anything. He had believed that if they grabbed Sullivan they could make him tell them where he had the information on them that could ruin them. It had never occurred to him that they were committing a crime.

  He had come into the kitchen to find his mother bloodied and moaning feebly as she tried to crawl across the floor. His first thought had been that Sullivan had gotten free and shot her but she had told him Gerry had shot her. Everything crashed in and he put his head down and began to weep.

  “You fucking little coward!” Tom sneered as he got to his feet, keeping one eye on Danny.

  “You’re the one down here on the floor!” Gregory yelled back.

  When the cops came into the cellar the scene they happened on was one that they would discuss for a long time. Gerry, who had a goose egg the size of a fist on his forehead, had woken up and was muttering incoherently, Gregory and Tom were arguing heatedly and Danny and Meghan were holding each other tightly, as if they would never let go.

  ~ * ~ * ~

  The bedroom was filled with the smell of lilacs and jasmine. Meghan, fresh from a long soak in the tub, stood against one wall as she had been instructed, her naked body gleaming in the moonlight filtering through the drapes. Her eyes were heavy with desire as she watched Danny finish his preparations. Her skin tingled and her pussy gave a moist throb as he turned to her and beckoned.

  “Kneel,” he said as she moved to the spot he had pointed at.

  She did, her knees sinking into the luxurious carpeting. The sound of her heartbeat seemed abnormally loud and her mouth felt dry, she licked her lips to compensate.

  “This means you are mine. This is more important than a wedding ring, although I may choose to give you that one day as well. A collar shows that you are owned, and that you are loved and wanted. The cuffs are a smaller piece of what the collar represents. This collar, if you accept it, means that we are bound together in ways that go beyond mere love, beyond just being together.”

  Meghan watched a
s he took a small key from his pocket. His face was solemn as he spoke again. “This unlocks the collar I want to give to you. If you choose to keep this key, and you can, it is your choice; you can still wear your cuffs. Your cuffs show you serve me, and you can do that without choosing to acknowledge yourself as a submissive, as someone who wants and needs to belong to someone who will always earn the right to be the dominant person in this relationship.

  “However, if you choose to allow me to keep the key, then I will place my collar around your neck. It is all up to you.”

  He proffered the key. Meghan watched it draw closer to her face; her eyes traced its every inch from the barrel to the head, noting its shape, its solid form. He took her hand and pressed the key into her palm. “Choose,” he said.

  Meghan felt dizzy and butterflies exploded in her stomach. Everything narrowed down to just the two of them and the tiny key that was resting in her hand. She looked up at his face, surveying its planes and angles, imprinting it on her mind.

  She could hear the beating of her heart under her ribs; smell the lingering scents of her bath oils. His eyes were fastened on hers, compelling her to choose. He stood there, tall and strong in his black silk shirt and slacks, his shoes gleaming with polish and his ebony hair stuck through with blue highlights, and she knew he was the most incredibly gorgeous man that she had ever seen.

  But it was more than that. He was loyal and he protected what was his. He had forced her to a decision and truth about her family and in the weeks following the incident he had stood beside her as the inevitable scandal had erupted. Her parents had kept her crime spree conviction as under wraps as possible to save themselves from public shame but once that news reporters got wind of all that had transpired and that the entire Lowry clan, with the exception of Meghan, were in jail on various charges, there had been no place to hide.

  And he had not allowed her to. He had stood right beside her and spoke to the press for her. He had issued what had come down to a challenge to overly eager reporters and they had backed off after that. Her family life was still being talked about in the gossip rags and would for a long time to come as the empire that they had nearly ruined finished the slow topple it had begun and was then set back to rights.

  They had discussed all options and it had been decided that many of Lowry’s employees would go to work for Danny’s various companies while financial questions and concerns were answered and settled.

  He had been there for her during what had been some very hard and difficult nights and she felt pure joy flowing through her as she handed him the key back.

  The metal, warmed by her hand, hit his palm and Danny felt a grin break out across his face. He reached over to the small nightstand where he had laid the collar and he unlocked it. It was a cunningly made circle of gold inlaid with a strip of emeralds, stones that reminded him of her eyes. His breath caught as he clasped it around her neck, fitting its two pieces together and then locking them together with the tiny gold screw and key.

  “I take you as my submissive, my responsibility. I will love you, take care of you and protect you. I will never let anyone else cause you harm. You will always have a home here, in my house, and in my heart.”

  Tears stained her cheeks as the lock clicked shut. “I will be yours forever, Sir.”

  Danny fastened a solid gold leash to her collar and she crawled beside him to the bed, feeling the gentle tug of the leash against the collar on her neck. The weight of the collar was unfamiliar but welcome and when he told her to get into the bed she did, arranging herself against the colorful pillows so that he could see every inch of her.

  “I want to see every inch of you.” Danny instructed.

  The toys were already on the bed. The dildo sat beside the small tube of lubricant and the vibrator and she oiled her fingers before she flicked them across her nipples. The sensation of touching herself was not new, but having someone watch her while she did it was and for a moment she had to wrestle with a sense of shame and discomfort.

  Looking at him she saw approval in his eyes, and when her eyes traveled lower she saw the telltale bulge in his slacks. That hard bulge made her cheeks flare with color and heightened her arousal. She bit her bottom lip as her fingers spread her own labia and she stroked the delicate flesh of her clit. Her ass jerked forward when she slid one questing finger inside of herself. Heat blossomed and a fire followed as she rubbed at her clit again, enjoying it. She pressed harder and rubbed faster, then slowed down, the subtle shift delaying an orgasm that she could feel building.

  She wanted it to last; she wanted to show him that she was willing to do whatever he wished. But that was not all, she knew, instinctively, that what he was doing by ordering her to do this was asking her to trust him when she was the most vulnerable, to show him her most secret of places.

  She brought her fingers to her mouth. Danny gasped softly as she licked them and suckled at them, her senses exploding as she took in her own juices.

  She knew she could not slow it down much longer so she parted her legs farther, drawing them close to her chest. She lubed up the rubber cock and then slid it just between her lips, teasing and playing with it and him even as she played with herself. The head of it slipped inside and she shuddered in bliss, the cock was large and she could feel its weight. She had to rearrange her lower body a bit before she could slide more of it into her slippery tunnel. It bumped along her walls, its ribbed belly making her whimper and gasp. Her nipples pointed at the ceiling as she arched higher and backwards, shame and fear forgotten in the wave of sheer pleasure that had moved over her.

  “Take it,” Danny ordered as he undid his slacks and dropped them to the floor. His cock, rigid and pulsing, came into view and he gripped the head of it tightly, squeezing hard as Meghan’s pussy swallowed the dick.

  He climbed up on the bed, kneeling between her spread legs. His fingers stroked his prick’s head, drops of pre-come dribbled out and he used them for lubricant, drawing the slick moisture down the shaft and then tightly fisting the belly again. He felt like he was fucking her even though he was not. He began to fall into her rhythm and she noticed it. Her eyes half-closed and color stained her cheeks as his purple cockhead vanished and reappeared. Her fingers worked harder, the juices pouring out of her soaking the bed below her ass cheeks.

  “I want you to come. Right now.”

  She did not need to be told twice. Come spilled from her, spooling down her thighs. “Thank you! Thank you Sir!” She screamed as she felt her pussy opening and closing on the soaked cock.

  “Take it out of your pussy.”

  Meghan tossed the dildo aside and Danny thrust into her. There was no pause, no need for words. His mouth came down on hers hard, teeth colliding momentarily in their hunger. He thrust hard and fast, his cock riding along the pleasure-swollen walls of her pussy. She groaned and whimpered his name, her fingers coming up to his back to feel the hard muscles moving under his smooth skin.

  Danny realized he had forgotten the condom but he didn’t care. The tight wetness surrounding his cock was the most incredible sensation he had ever felt in his life. Sliding into her was like sliding into well-heated oil and he wanted to feel that for as long as possible.

  He tried to remove his mind so he could hold out longer but she locked her ankles around his narrow waist, her feet bumped against the small of his back and she began to make the small mewling noise that meant she was going to come.

  “Please Sir,” she pleaded gutturally. “Please can I come on your cock?”

  “You may,” he said, “But only if you come right now with me.”

  “Oh please,” Meghan muttered as her pussy clenched and contracted.

  “Do it,” Danny snarled. “Come with me, come to me my sweet girl, my good girl, come for me. Give me your pussy.”

  She came, hard. Her inner thighs literally shook and a low moan turned into a scream as she was brought to orgasm after orgasm. Dimly she felt his cock throbbing inside her, felt his h
ead dropping to her shoulder and his breath on her neck and in her ear but the tides would not let her go until she was spent and limp.

  Danny cuddled her close and she put her hands up to his face while he undid the long thin gold leash.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “You are welcome. Now get some sleep. Tomorrow we begin your training.”

  Meghan blinked. “Training Sir?”

  Danny let a devilish grin light his face. “Oh yes. I have a lot to teach you.”

  Meghan laughed and curled closer. She was not sure what the training would consist of but one thing was certain, she was home. And that was all that mattered.