Anything for Him: Dominated (#1) Read online

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  He had studied the Lowry’s ever since he had been a kid. He knew everything about them. Just reading through her files had given him a strong sense of kinship with Meghan and knowing her personally had made him feel that bond again. He had been unloved and disregarded as well, and while he knew she had suffered in that manner he had not expected the almost palpable amount of hatred her family held for her. He had not known that their resentment towards her was so visible.

  I should have known and I never should have taken her there, he castigated himself as he stared at Meghan’s ashen face. The silver tracks of her tears hurt his heart and he had to stop himself from reaching out a hand to comfort her. He knew from hard experience that the things that hurt people the most were the ones they were the least likely to want to talk about, or to be comforted over.

  He decided to speak. The silver cuffs on her wrists had soothed her but she was withdrawing and he wanted to bring her back.

  “Your family, they dislike you because, quite frankly, you control the sum total of their fortune. Or rather, you did. When you reached twenty-one the trust was supposed to revert to you. The business was also yours, and the truth is they stole it out from under you.”

  “You must be mistaken.” Meghan whispered. “My father owns the company; it was left to him by his mother.”

  “Your father had a brother, you had an uncle. No one ever discussed him, I take it? Regardless, he was the apple of your grandmother’s eye. He was also a bit of a hell raiser and one hell of a businessman. Before he was twenty-two he had made three million dollars for the company. He opened up a whole new division; he brought jobs to this city, and gave a lot of people hope. Then he died in a car crash and your father inherited.”

  “I heard stories of my uncle,” Meghan said softly. “My grandmother used to come visit me and tell me stories about him. I was only five or so when she died so I don’t remember much about her but I remember that she always fed me ginger cookies and root beer and told me stories about Uncle Michael. I thought she made him up, truly. She made him sound like a superhero.”

  “He was a good guy.”

  “How do you know?”

  “He gave me a glove at a company softball game.”

  “You knew my uncle?’

  “Yes, my parents worked for the company then.”

  Meghan was not sure what to say to that. “So what does my uncle have to do with my parents and me?”

  “Your grandmother didn’t like your father; she thought he was a fool and that he would run the family business into the ground. Incidentally she was correct on both counts. Add to that the fact that your mother was not her choice as a daughter-in-law and what you come up with is a woman who decided to will everything to you.”

  “But why me? Why not Gregory?”

  That was a question he had asked himself quite often, and to no avail. He had no idea why her grandmother had chosen her over her grandson but she had. Before he could say that Meghan spoke again, “Do you think Gregory knew about the money?”

  “He was unkind to you, wasn’t he?”

  She didn’t answer, she didn’t have to. Danny read the answer in her downcast eyes and the teeth that bit down on her bottom lip. She had pride, and that filled him with admiration and pleasure in his choice, but he also wished she had trust enough to tell him.

  Trust given too lightly or taken by force was never really trust and she had come a long way, she wore his cuffs and if he had his way she would wear an object that said, more than any other, that she was his and that he owned her completely, that she trusted him with everything. He decided to be content with knowing that Gregory had hurt her and even as he patted her knee in a roughly affectionate gesture he added one more reason to his long list of them to seek revenge on the Lowry family.

  But she’s a Lowry, he told himself. That halted his thoughts for a moment. He wondered just how far he could go in that revenge before some vestige of loyalty to those who had raised her reared its head, if it did at all.

  Meghan was unaware of Danny’s line of thinking. She was too exhausted to even attempt to comprehend it all, it was mind-boggling. She was the person who held the purse strings of her family’s fortune? That explained a lot of why they had treated her so horribly, they had to have resented being cut out of the will. Another thought occurred to her, “What did you mean when you said my father ran the company into the ground?”

  “It’s almost bankrupt. Your parents, and your brother, have lavish spending habits. While your father has good business sense he also has a taste for the most extreme and the best of everything. When the company ran into some financial difficulties instead of curbing the personal spending he bought a new yacht and laid off three hundred employees, he shut down an entire division.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “My family was among those laid off. The official statement said that the division was being closed due to its not being as profitable as it could be and the fact that labor was cheaper overseas. Two days after that the newspaper’s society section showed a picture of your parents christening the new yacht.”

  “I’m sorry your parents lost their jobs.”

  The sincerity in her voice did nothing to quell the ever-present sting of their deaths. His father had killed himself in utter despair after the mortgage company had finally repossessed their home and his mother had turned to dancing in a tiny strip club on the seediest section of town just to try to keep them in a place to live. One night she had decided to go outside of the club for a private party, one of the other girls she had hung out with had gone as well. They had both been killed. The police report said that the two women had gotten caught in a dope deal gone wrong. His mother had fought the attackers; she had been beaten severely but had managed to fight them enough to run. She had almost made it out of the house too, but had been caught in the blind alley and the five bullets in her back had ended her life. The cops had found his photograph in her wallet alongside her driver’s license. The men who killed her had taken her money.

  Looking at Meghan he wondered if revenge for what his parents had suffered was the only reason he was attracted to her but it only took one look at her green eyes and curling red hair to know that was not the case. She was not just beautiful; she was everything he had wanted. He did not believe they had met by chance, he did not believe in chance, what he believed in was making one’s own Fate. And she was just that, his destined lover.

  “We are not going to my apartment?”

  “No, you don’t need to be alone tonight.”

  What he didn’t say was that he wanted her close to him - that he wanted her to sleep next to him. Her slim shoulders drooped with exhaustion and there were dark circles under her eyes from stress. That made him even angrier at her family but he pushed that anger aside.

  “It’s too bad the past is never as simple as you think,” Meghan said.

  That startled Danny so much that all he could do was agree.

  ~ * ~ * ~

  The sun slipped its lemony yellow fingers through the narrow opening between the expensive drapes and Meghan rolled over, watching the pearly gray gloom of the room lift and turn rosy then golden. She loved the peace of early mornings, loved the feeling of being alone in a waking world.

  Danny was still asleep and she rolled over, her eyes examining the high planes of his cheekbones, the sharp line of his jaw. In sleep his mouth lost the sensual sneer it typically wore and he looked more innocent but just as handsome.

  His eyes opened and she tried to withdraw but his hand gripped her wrist, “In the kitchen you will find a book, the cover reads Household Manual. I had it made a few years back and so far nobody has been here to use it. I have a cook and a maid. They are both aware of my predilections and know what it is I have been looking for.

  “That book is to be your guide from here on out. You can start by making my coffee. As today is Sunday it is a good day to move all of your belongings over here.”

ou just paid my rent,” Meghan stuttered.

  “I was not sure if I wanted to keep you then.” Danny said casually. “Besides, if it does not work out you can go back, I will pay your rent there from here on out and if you do leave you will have a stipend until you get back on your feet. That is, unless I manage to recoup your company for you, in which case you will have your own income.”

  Words failed her. She sat up, tried to think of something to say and could not. The weight of the cuffs on her wrists made her feel reassured even though she knew she should not be. She had only known him for a matter of days. There was this odd little feeling in her belly, she felt like she was on a long and steep hill and going down it very fast. It was scary and yet exhilarating. She decided that she rather liked that mix of emotions and that she could sort out the rest of it later. She swung her legs off of the bed and looked about for something to put on.

  “You won’t be cooking.” Danny said with amusement, “No need to worry about those nasty splatters.”

  He gave her ass a firm swat as he spoke and she jumped, and then giggled. She felt a little embarrassed to be walking around naked, especially when she left the bedroom but she forgot that as she took in the rooms that she passed through.

  She had been too exhausted the night before to really notice anything and the apartment took her breath away. The city skyline rose all around her when she peeked out of the floor to ceiling windows that took up one entire wall. Bookcases lined other walls and she saw first editions of writers that she loved along the shelves, including some that surprised her.

  The carpet was thick and absorbed all sound, the walls held paintings, some expensive and others that appeared to have been bought simply because of the subject matter. By the time she got to the kitchen it was obvious to her that Danny was a man of good taste.

  But how had he gained all of his wealth? She knew he had not grown up with it and she found herself curious about his past even as she flipped open the leather-covered book embossed with the words Household manual. For a moment that book nearly made her laugh, it seemed slightly absurd but when she read the first page she understood it was not absurd at all.

  There were directions on how to prepare coffee, tea, what drinks were served at what times, when to order flowers, what flowers were preferred in certain rooms, orders on how to handle the staff, meal times and a list of things to wear and not to wear. There was even a section on exercise and hygiene.

  Meghan felt resentment at the words written there, but underlying that was a sense of total freedom. That heady sense of being cared for, of being totally safe and secure flooded back in and she set about making his coffee.

  Danny got up from the enormous bed and walked to the windows in the bedroom. He put his head to the glass and stared down at the city. As a teenager he had read The Great Gatsby. It had galvanized him. At fourteen he had a set of foster parents who had not cared what he did as long as he did not screw up so badly the cops or the social workers had to get involved. He had been hustling for a small time hood named Vinnie, selling stolen televisions and car stereos to people at local flea markets, a dime operation if there ever was one. Reading the story of a man who had totally remade himself had made him see a bigger picture and he had set out to become someone else entirely, and to gain his revenge.

  He had bent his head to the books, working hard to get good grades but he had not been fool enough to think that alone would get him into the places he wanted to go. He had worked any number of hustles out on the streets. He had been the lookout for a group of dealers, he had been the protector of two young prostitutes who had decided to go independent and who were willing to pay a percentage to him rather than hand over their entire earnings to a pimp. Several other girls had joined up, at seventeen he was bringing in close to a thousand dollars a week from that hustle alone. He ran numbers for a guy on the east side of town and worked as a dealer in a high stakes and very hush hush poker game, which is where he had first gotten an up close look at Tom Lowry. He knew that the man had a gambling habit and was often running in the red, he had not told Meghan that and he doubted that he would, he didn’t want to have to explain how he knew that.

  He had pulled on every favor owed to him and gotten a few choice references to add to his grades and other accomplishments, which had led to him being accepted at an Ivy League school. Once there he had shed every ounce of street thug from his surface and focused on becoming a businessman.

  He was incredibly successful and his companies were run with an iron fist that held his employees fast, and safe. He did not believe in lay-offs or in sacking pension funds. He was personally involved in every detail of his empire, which stretched across the globe and included several ventures. He had come a very long way from being the frightened boy who had walked into a kitchen to find his father slumped over the remains of dinner with a letter of eviction clutched in one cold hand to being Danny Sullivan, business magnate.

  Meghan stood in the doorway watching him. She had never seen him fully naked before and she could not help but stare at the heavy muscles in his broad chest, the lean V- shaped muscle that ran from his waist down to his lean thighs and the gloriously molded cheeks of his firm ass. There were scars on his back, long stripes that ran from his shoulder blades to the small of his back. She wanted to go to him, put her mouth on those scars and kiss them away. Instead she spoke softly, “I brought coffee and breakfast.”

  The words startled him out of his reverie and he turned to see Meghan holding out the wicker tray. The coffee cups sat beside the silver pot, the creamer was in its place and there were two plates stacked neatly beside two folded napkins and two butter knives. Crisply golden toast sat on one large dish, along with orange slices and two cold hard-boiled eggs. Raspberry jam and real creamery butter sat in tiny dishes to the left of the toast dish. He watched as she sat it down on the small table that he pointed to, admiring the flex of muscle in her ass cheeks and upper thighs as she did so.

  The crisp curls that covered the sweetly pink lips of her pussy caught his eyes and he grinned as she fussed with the dishes and the cups. She waited until he sat and handed him his coffee, the handle extended toward him just as he had instructed and he smiled. That gesture was an indicator of just how willing she was to serve, most new submissives forgot or were unwilling to hold the hot bowl of the cup in their palm while waiting for their Master to take it from them.

  Meghan put his toast on his plate and buttered it and then added jam. She waited until he nodded his head and then she took her own seat and poured her own coffee and helped herself to a piece of toast with butter.

  Danny watched her eat, she licked away the crumbs with the unconscious satisfaction of a kitten and his eyes followed that pink triangle of flesh with amusement and a growing arousal.

  “Leave that,” he said as she moved to clear away the tray.

  Meghan looked up and the ardor in his eyes was so obvious that she felt an immediate and undeniable reaction to it, it was so sexy, the being wanted, that she could feel herself getting wet.

  “Come here,” Danny said.

  She went to him; he pushed his chair away from the table and took her by the upper arms, holding her in place while he kissed her hard and deep. She went limp beneath the sweet onslaught of his mouth and tongue. He walked her backwards to the rumpled bed and once there he picked her up and tossed her across it.

  Adrenaline pumped through her and giddy laughter poured from her mouth as his knees sank into the soft mattress. He walked himself up between her thighs and pinned her to the bed, his mouth and hands busily exploring her flesh. His teeth and tongue teased her nipples, his fingers stroked between her legs and she surrendered to the ecstasy that followed in the wake of his touch.

  Danny reached below the bed, pulling the long lengths of black silk rope up and then he used it to secure her, looping sections of it around the cuffs on her wrist and making small loops around her ankles. The other ends were fastened to the bedframe and Meg
han struggled against the bondage just to feel how tight it was, the sensation of it electrified her senses and she whimpered as he pulled a pillow under her hips, raising them higher.

  His tongue licked along the edges of her labia and he spread them with one finger, happily noting that her pussy hair was already soaked from her juices. Her clit peeked out at him from its hood and he licked it, once, laughing when she shuddered and yanked at the bonds.

  He slid one finger inside her gash, his tongue lashed against the hard button of her clit while his fingers began moving lower towards the puckered seam of her ass. He tickled that tiny opening then he began to apply pressure with just the tip of one finger, coaxing the tight ring of muscle to open. She jerked and shrieked, nobody had ever touched her that way before and she was not sure if she liked it. Danny refused to back off though, he could feel the vibrations in the sensitive skin that ran from her drenched slit to that seam and he took advantage of that obvious desire, skillfully suckling and licking her clit while he pressed harder.

  Her ass opened slightly and he sank one finger inside that impossibly tight tunnel. Meghan sobbed and her legs thrashed as the small pain gave way to bliss. Danny pumped his finger in and out and she whimpered, propelling her hips as high as the bonds would allow her to. Her fingernails dug into her own palms and she howled, wanting to be free so that she could hold his head close to that pulsating center of her passion.


  “Please will you fuck me?”

  “Please will you fuck me…?” He let the words trail off meaningfully.