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Anything for Him: Dominated (#1) Page 2

  Danny knew exactly what the paper had been used to do; he had worn many a hand-me-down pair of shoes. “Your parents turned their back on you.”

  It was not a question. “They disowned me.”

  That told him everything else he wanted to know about Meghan. He moved closer and the cuff snapped shut on her right wrist with a final sounding click. She was not sure what to think of it, she tugged at it experimentally and it did not yield. Her left wrist was similarly cuffed then her legs were forced open. Her ankles were locked into place, the chains giving that same hollow musical jingle as she was bound.

  The shame came back. She could feel every inch of her own body, could feel her vulnerability and the sense of being exposed and helpless made tears come to her eyes.

  “You are going to serve me,” Danny reiterated. “You are going to always be ready for my cock, for my mouth or my hands or whatever else I choose to give you. And in return I am going to give you what you always needed.”

  “What is that?” Meghan whispered through her tears.

  “All the attention you never had.”

  Before she could reply his hands were on her body. His nails scratched her skin lightly, raising red trails and goose bumps. Her nipples grew hard again and he flicked them with his fingers before he used his teeth to nip at them, gently at first and then harder. Pain and pleasure collided and she squirmed against the seat, her own juices making the surface slick beneath her ass cheeks.

  “You are being a very good girl,” Danny growled into her ear, “you keep on being a good girl and you will get rewarded, do you understand?’

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  Fingers slid into her wet pussy, they probed delicately at first then thrust harder. Her hips bucked helplessly against them, the friction growing with each plunge. “Who told you to move?” Danny asked and the fingers withdrew. Instantly she felt bereft, her walls ached and her belly quivered as she stared up at him as he said, “Ask me to forgive you.”

  Forgive her for what? She was not sure and her pride rose up, making her feel defensive and angry. She wanted to tell him to leave her alone, to unchain her but when she opened her mouth what came out was, ‘Please forgive me.” That simple sentence took her breath and she felt more helpless than she had before, although she could not understand why.

  “Good girl,” Danny said, then he knelt in front of the chair and his mouth moved to her inner thighs.

  Sensation exploded in her skin. His teeth nipped and tugged at the sensitive flesh while his tongue moved behind the bites, licking and easing the pain. When he moved his mouth over her mound and his fingers slid through the wet strip of her pubic curls she groaned out loud and her back arched. Instantly he stopped.

  “I see you are not listening to me. If I do not tell you to move, you do not move. Are we clear?”

  “Yes,” Meghan said through her teeth. Sweat had formed under her hairline and she clenched her fingers, her nails raking the arms of the chair. That gesture made her aware of what those marks on the chair were from, the chains scraped against the wood and her nails had left fresh scars. Jealousy reared its head, surprising and rattling her all at once. She was jealous over the marks in the wood that proved other women had felt the same ecstasy she was feeling at that moment.

  Danny’s fingers parted her labia, her tongue lashed out against her clit and all her thoughts became lost in a haze of pleasure. Her ass shook and the chains clattered with the effort it took to keep herself from moving.

  Fingers pushed back inside her and she bit her lip to keep from crying out. Her thighs clenched and unclenched as wave after wave of bliss rolled through her.

  “If you want to come, you have to ask me to do so.” His breath was warm against her skin and she had the urge to scream at him to shut up and go back to licking her clit but instead she said, “I want to come.’

  “Is that how we ask?” There was a teasing note in his voice but Danny was not joking at all. He had moved away from her again and all of her pride crumbled in the face of her need.

  “May I come?”

  “May I come please Sir?”

  “May I come please Sir,” Meghan parroted then she said it again, louder, “Please may I come Sir, please? I want…I need …”

  “Good girl,” Danny breathed and the words, the praise had an incredibly erotic effect on her. His mouth and hands worked against her once more, sending the smell of her own arousal to her nostrils. She threw her head back against the chair, her mouth opening wide as her heated slit began to throb. “You can come very soon.”

  Meghan could not keep her hips from lifting up in a wordless plea when he stood up. Danny saw the gesture and grinned, and then he reached for his zipper. His long, heavy cock sprang free from his slacks and he pulled a condom from his pocket, unrolling it expertly up the length of that stiff flesh. He placed one knee on the chair and used his hand to guide himself into her willing depths.

  “Beg to be fucked.”

  Meghan uttered, “Please fuck me, please fuck me, please fuck me,” in a strengthless little voice.

  Danny grabbed her hair, yanking her head up and forward, “Open your eyes,” he demanded.

  It took effort. Her eyes felt too heavy and she could feel thick heat creeping across her chest and face, the precursor to her orgasm. His arctic eyes were locked onto hers and passion like she had never known slammed her senses. Her body jerked and she sobbed out loud as her pussy opened wider, stretching to meet his thickness. She could feel his heat inside of her own.

  “Come now,” Danny instructed her and she did. She was helpless to stop it, her pussy clenched and opened on his pulsing meat, she shuddered and tears fell down her cheeks as she dug her fingers into the chair arms and tried her best to not move and still lift herself higher so he could go deeper.

  Danny plunged and thrust inside the moist walls, enjoying the way her eyes had gone to half-mast and she was having to struggle to obey his command to keep them open as much as the feeling of her orgasm.

  “Good girl, come on my cock. Let me feel how much you like me fucking you.”

  The words made her come harder. Meghan had never been caught up in excitement like the excitement she was feeling and she could not gain any type of control over it. All she knew was that she wanted more, and that she would do whatever it took to have it.

  Danny felt his balls moving higher, tightening and he began to drive deeper inside her tight heat. He thought of pulling out, of forcing her to suck his cock while he came in her mouth but he decided to wait for that particular delight. He grunted as his prick twitched and throbbed, his heavy white come spilling into the thin latex sheath.

  He leaned against the chair, his breathing slowing as hers did. He waited until the aftershocks of her orgasm had faded away before pulling out of, enjoying the sight of her glistening juices on his deflating cock.

  He unchained her and Meghan lay limp in the chair, her pussy pleasantly aching and the afterglow of her orgasm making her feel languid. When the cold steel of the chains hit the floor she began to become aware of what had just happened.

  She sat up, crossing her hands over her breasts and crossing her legs in a protective gesture. The pressure made a small tremor course through her pussy and she uncrossed her legs. For a few seconds she went back and forth between crossing and uncrossing, unable to decide which was preferable, being naked or feeling that tremor. Danny watched the struggle with amused eyes.

  “Get up and clean that mess up.”

  The cold words felt like water splashed across her skin. She stared at him, unsure of what he meant. He reacted by grabbing her by her arm and pulling her from the chair. He hauled her across the room, opening a small door to reveal shelves stocked with cleaning supplies.

  “I won’t repeat myself.”

  “Are you insane?” Meghan demanded.

  The words were met with a steely stare. “I told you that your sole purpose would be to serve me.”

  “I am not…�

  “Suit yourself.”

  Meghan found herself tumbling over his knee. She was balanced there, her head hanging toward the floor and her ass pointed at the ceiling. A hand came down, smacking her cheeks, first one and then the other. The pain was immediate and stinging. She screamed and fought but his hold was unyielding and his hand heavy. Her ass grew hotter with each slap. The punishment ended as abruptly as it had begun, she found herself back on her feet and staring at him with wide eyes while he spoke.

  “Now we are going to get this straight right now. If you do not obey, you will be punished, and you will not like it. Now, do as you consented to do. Serve me. Get your ass over there and clean up your mess.”

  Shivers wracked Meghan and her pussy became wet all over again. Something about the idea of being spanked, of having been spanked, made her feel excitement that she had not felt since the first time she had crept across a dark room with her senses straining to hear the faint click that would betray an alarm going off.

  “Yes sir,” Meghan said and reached for a sponge and cleanser.

  ~ * ~ * ~

  Meghan woke up to a furious banging on her bedroom door. Her first reaction was terror, the time she had spent in jail had not been pleasant, and her second was confusion. Her lower body had an unusual ache and her wrists and ankles felt slightly raw.

  “Are you alive?” Jenna, her roommate, yelled through the flimsy door.

  “Yes!” Meghan called as she got up and opened the door.

  Jenna bounced in, her china blue eyes glowing, “Tell me the truth,” she demanded, “Did you rob somebody again? I mean I’m not going to tell on you, hell you just saved our asses. I was just wondering if you had enough loot left over to buy a decent dinner.”


  Jenna laughed and waved a pink receipt under Meghan’s nose. “You paid our rent and all the late charges. We have three months before we have to worry about that bastard coming after us yelling to pay up or get out. So, did you rob someone?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  She really didn’t. She had come home from the office yesterday with her head spinning. She had eaten a meager dinner that had consisted of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a cup of tea and quickly fallen into bed. The whole day had been so surreal, thinking about the way she had begged for her boss to fuck her made it seem even more so. Her expression gave her away by turning a bright red as she remembered the feel of his hard prick inside her.

  “You are lying!” Jenna crowed.

  Meghan liked Jenna a lot. She was an artist, or claimed to be, who lived on scholarships and whatever money she could earn at any of her odd jobs, odd as in strange. She sold panties online, got her exercise working as a dog walker, and sometimes she drew caricatures or played a lute for the traveling Renaissance Fairs. She was a feisty and eccentric young woman who had not cared at all that Meghan had less money than her share of the rent in the bank, that she was a convicted criminal or that she was from an old money family. What she had cared about was that Meghan had had no other place to go. How could Meghan not like her? At that moment, however, she really wished Jenna would just go away and let her go back to bed.

  Before she could tell Jenna she had not paid the rent the ringtone that she had assigned to Danny’s number rang out. Instantly her nipples hardened and her belly tightened. She turned away from Jenna and grabbed the phone.

  “Hello,” she said in what she hoped was a neutral tone.

  Danny’s rich and deep voice spoke, “I need you to accompany me to a formal affair this evening. I am assuming that you no longer have a wardrobe that would allow you to dress appropriately for the occasion so I will be outside at five to take you to buy something suitable, be dressed and ready to go, we will go straight to the party afterwards.”

  “I’m not sure I’m comfortable with that.” She was not at all comfortable with it in fact.

  “This is not a loan, nor is it a request. I require you at my side this evening and expect you to be dressed well. If that means providing you with a wardrobe so be it.”

  “I’m not comfortable with that. Do you know how my rent got paid by any chance?”

  “I paid it.” Danny said crisply. “I was not comfortable worrying about how I would get in touch with you if you were homeless.”

  Embarrassment flooded her being. ”I do have a job. I assume this will be coming out of my pay.”

  “Oh, you will pay for it,” Danny said and the line clicked dead.

  “I have to go to work at four.” Meghan said to Jenna’s avidly curious face.

  Jenna gave her a careful once-over, “You look awfully happy for someone who has to go to work on a Saturday. So your boss paid our rent? Wow, how can I get a job like that?”

  Meghan didn’t reply; she was busy thinking of all the things she needed to do in order to be ready: her nails needed a manicuring and her eyebrows could use a little extra attention. Ruefully she thought of all the days she had spent in salons and spas but then she brushed that off. Danny wanted to take her to a party, going out in itself was a gift; things had been very bleak for her the past year.

  “So I guess dinner is out of the question. But what the hell, since I can pay you back at some to-be-determined- date how about I order us the world’s sloppiest pizza?” Jenna offered with a gamine grin.

  Meghan’s belly rumbled and she laughed at the noise, “I guess pizza it is.”

  ~ * ~ * ~

  The sunlight beamed down on the slick black limousine as it pulled to the curb. Meghan found herself staring at it, wondering how she had ever taken riding in such a marvelous thing for granted. Danny’s chauffer popped out of the front and helped her into the car, instantly she was surrounded by the scent of leather and the sensation of being wrapped into a luxurious cocoon.

  “Sit there,” Danny said, his finger pointing to the seat across from the one on which he sat.

  Meghan took the seat and tried not to stare at him, he looked almost devilishly good in a black silk shirt under an obviously expensive and tailored jacket. His black slacks and highly polished shoes both spoke of money well spent. His cologne was intoxicating and she had to fight not to lean forward to try to inhale it into herself.

  “I trust you slept well.”

  She found herself unable to meet his eyes so she kept looking at his long and almost artistically elegant fingers. Then it hit her that those fingers had been inside of her and she yanked her gaze away, staring out the darkly tinted window at the crowded streets instead.

  “Do you like the car?”

  “I had forgotten how nice it is not to have to walk or take the bus.’

  “I used to like the bus; it was the subway that I hated.”

  “Really? Why?’

  Danny had to bite his tongue to keep from telling her that the dark spaces under the earth had made him feel nervous and afraid. He doubted that she would understand it and maybe even ask why. That was not something he wanted to discuss with her or anyone.

  Just the idea of having to discuss it made the entire incident rise back up in his mind. It had happened in what had been the first in a long series of foster homes for him. The foster parents had taken him out to a bleak farm whose main product was turnips and there he had been starved and beaten by the parents and the other boys.

  One day a fight had seen him up against all five of the other boys, including the farmer’s son. To defend himself he had kicked the farmer’s son, the biggest and meanest of his tormenters, in the face. The man who had owned the farm had dragged him to a root cellar and interred him there for three long days and nights. He had finally clawed his way out and run away to a nearby diner where a waitress with brassy hair and a chipped front tooth had given him food then a ride back to the city and the office of his social worker. The waitress told his worker she had heard all sorts of stories about the home he had been living in and the worker had, thankfully, listened.

  He had gotten out of t
he root cellar, but dark places had always made him uncomfortable ever since. Trying to shake off that melancholy that followed that chain of thinking he looked over and caught Meghan looking at him with empathy.

  “I don’t like small dark places.” She said calmly then she turned her head back to the world outside of the windows. “That was the worst part of being in jail, the smallness and dimness of the cells.”

  “Were you afraid of those places before?”

  “I used to have to sit in the closet so that one of my nannies could have smoke breaks. Sometimes she forgot me there and left me until it was time for bed.”

  “Why didn’t your parents stop her?”

  “They were in France that year. She left before they got home; she stole most of the silver and a lot of my mother’s smaller jewelry. The cook and butler had been given a year off as it was just us there so I was alone for a few days.”

  “You must have been afraid.”

  “No,” she said in a remote voice, “I was relieved. It was the only time in my life I wasn’t afraid.”

  The car slid to a stop along a curb, halting the conversation. Meghan had fallen silent anyway, wondering why she had shared such personal information with Danny. She had never told anyone else about that incident.

  Danny helped her out and they went to a small door set into a plain brick wall. He rang the bell and then announced his name. The door buzzed open and they made their way up a cramped set of stairs to a landing. There sat another door, when that one buzzed open they walked into a lavishness that would have seemed impossible to anyone who was unaware of what the shop really was, the private boutique that was stocked with some of the most expensive and extravagant clothing on the planet.

  Thick carpet ran underfoot, small private sitting areas were discreetly hidden behind screens and Danny and Meghan were ushered into one by a tall leggy blonde whose face had been in a few magazines, hiring struggling models was but one of the boutique’s marketing strategies.